Saturday, February 16, 2008

February 14, 2008

Pretty cool last night I think it got down to the low 30°s. A little overcast, but not that bad. I finally got in touch with a repair man in Coquille after trying for two days with no success. His Name is John Craggs. He is a retired gentleman that repairs motor homes. Nice thing about it he came to the RV Park and worked on our home. Pretty costly though, it ended up costing us $150.00 to get the furnace up and running again. Come to find out the factory that put it in did not do it in a clean environment, causing dirt and dust to plug up the orifices. He had to pull the whole unit to get the thing cleaned. Works great now, although for the money it better be. I did get some valuable information out of him since he is an avid fisherman like me. He told me where I should be crabbing when I am in Charleston. I am sure the reason I lost my traps last year was I put them in and area that had a real strong current and the tide was going out. If I would have returned the next morning to the spot I dropped the traps off I would have probably been able to recover them during low tide. Another lesson learned as they say. A costly one, but well learned. Other worthy information John showed me on a map where to go to catch yellow tail and ocean perch. When I was here the last time I spent a lot of time fishing the Jetty by Charleston with not much luck. Another thing he told me was to fish with was a bobber with a 6 foot leader using shrimp.

John even offered to take me out crabbing this Saturday if the tides are right and the fresh water from the rivers are not running to high into the bay. Crabbing is not that good when you have a lot of fresh water flowing into the bay. The larger crabs don’t like the less saline water.

His son goes out with him all the time and crabs over near the upper buoy on the north side of the bay. His best luck is in around 25 to 30 feet of water. Pretty much limits out all the time. I would want to go just to see how it’s done. There is something else he brought out to me, which I have heard of, but not seen too many people do it. Ground your traps with stainless steel wire to stop the electrolyzes from occurring. According to him and an article I read last year, it actually decreases your chance of catching a lot of crabs. Something to do with the crabs can sense it. Not sure, but will check it out and report on what I find later.

He also gave me information that I think all people who have a motor home or trailer and are camping along the coast should know about is excess moisture; it is important to buy some de-humidifier like DRI Z AIR. This comes in crystal form and takes out the excess moisture that develops in a wet climate from your coach. Not to expensive either. I think around $2.00 a package and is a good investment.

Another thing he told me about. which I really never gave thought too is placing a small piece of flea collar you use for your dogs or cats in the furnace, refrigerator and hot water tank compartments. This will help keep spiders and other insects away from your appliance burners. I have not tried it, but makes sense to me. He says it does not have to be new collar just one that you replaced for a new one.

Went back to Coos Bay today to buy a small heater for the motor home as well as the DRI Z AIR pellets. While we were in Bi-Mart I took Helen over to the sporting goods department to show her the crab traps I wanted to buy and what a deal! They were on sale again for $14.97 each compared to just three days ago when they were $19.95 each. You guessed it, I bought two of them. They were cheap considering I had to pay over $18.00 for the buoys and rope for the traps. Got you coming and going I guess. If you’re not familiar with crab traps I looked them up on the internet. They are the Danielson folding crab traps.
They sell for over $29.00 each on the internet. Add the shipping and in some cases the taxes if they apply and you’re talking way over $35.00 per trap.

Here again, like they say “shop around”.

Since it was Valentines day I had to take my sweetheart out for dinner and being the big time spender I am, I gave her two choices, either Mexican food at a restaurant in Myrtle Point or a double cheese burger $1.00 meal at Mc Donald’s.

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