Saturday, October 4, 2008


OCTOBER 4, 2008

Last night Mother Nature did her thing with heavy rain and wind. Some of the gusts got up to 58 miles per hour, which shook the motor home around a little. I almost got up and closed the westerly slide out portion of our motor home to help reduce the wind drag from moving it around. As it stands if you have all the slide outs out, especially the dining room and the couch room, it acts like a big airplane wing.

One thing about all this rain is it cleaned the motor home up real well.
Talking to several other RV people I found out a lot of them wait until a good hard rain and then get out and scrub the home down. Leaves a real clean wash without wasting any water . The other advantage is the rain is free of minerals, which stains your home when you wash it with a garden hose.

Since it was predicted for rain off and on all day we decided to do some more sight seeing. The weather forecast had predicted extreme high surf conditions with waves reaching 12 to 15 feet in size. Since we're only about 3 miles from Coos Bay Jetty this would be a great place to observe the ocean. Their was indeed a lot of vehicles in the parking lot and most people were taking pictures of the waves coming in.

Looking out on the Coos Bay Bar from the Jetty

In side the Jetty near Charleston

Inside the Jetty during 12 foot swells

I could see this would not be a good day for boats or ship to pass the bar since the ocean is in a turmoil with rough seas.

Kind of funny how something like the ocean can be so intriguing and yet so restful.

Simpson Reef

This picture doesn't really give justice to the size of the waves as we're looking about 1/2 mile out. The rocks are covered with hundreds of seals, which of course are too far away to make out in this picture.

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