Tuesday, March 25, 2008


March 21 2008

It was a nice sunny day, so away we go to Charleston to do some crabbing.

Had to stop by for a quick lunch like we always do, you know the McDonalds and Burger King trip. Hey, inflation is setting in! I got my Whopper Junior for a dollar still, but had to pay dearly for Helen's Double Cheese Burger, which went up in price from $1.00 each, to $1.29 each. I guess it had to happen sometime.


I would be willing to bet Whoppers will go up also. Going to have to limit our lunches down to once every other time we go to town. (I know, Randy, I'm a cheap skate! Not really, I'm frugal).

Could not take it had to stop by Bi-Mart to get another reel for Helen, since the old one went belly up. I thought the first one we purchased, which is a Shakespeare reel was a pretty good brand. I would have taken it back, but dummy me, I lost the receipt. Normal if you want a product to fail just throw the receipt away and I promise it will fail. Anyway we found another reel, which is pretty new to the market called Okuma, It-30. Nice looking reel, real smooth retrieve. Was a good buy on sale for 20% off. I have heard a lot of good comments on this reel.

Then of course had to buy one more crab trap. This time we got the round basket type. Good buy at $18.00. Eventually we will have another 3 more traps since you're allowed 3 traps each. These are good for crabbing on the dock, but would not use them out in the bay since they would drift a lot based on how light they are. Only bad thing about the round ones is you have to continually check your trap, since there open at the top. See pictures below not closed in like your square Danielson traps. Of course there is an advantage to using the round ones, as they keep you from getting bored while waiting around like you would with the enclosed traps.


We walked out to Dock Number 4. This is one of the docks that most of the people go out on to crab. According to a program we have installed on our laptop called Chart Navigator, dock number 4 is 9 feet deep (Low tide).

We started crabbing about 2 pm or so, just at high tide. We caught quite a few Dungeness Crabs, but once again under size or females. We did get some Red Rock Crabs. We met a couple that was crabbing next to us that were from Medford, Donna and Bill. Great people again. We gave the Red Rock Crabs to them, since they wanted them for a crab salad. We crabbed until about 5 pm until the tide got pretty low. Never seem to have a lot of luck when it gets to that point, however I have talked to other people that say they catch them anytime.

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