Wednesday, March 19, 2008


March 16, 17, 2008

An uneventful two days due to the rain. It Rained off and on pretty much all day. We did not attempt fishing since it was way too wet. We had a chance to meet a real nice gentleman by the name of Fred. He has a home next to Helen’s cousin in Coquille. I guess his home is valued way over $400.000. Pretty pricy I would say. Anyway just for information on the 17th he gave his home away too all his children under the premise that they would pay the taxes and insurance for him and his wife for the rest of their lives. Hang on, this is a shocker. The kids now have to pay out over $300.00 per month for both taxes and insurance. Pretty pitiful when you own your own home and in reality you don’t own it. It's owned by the Government when you really think about.

I had asked him if he ever considered the reverse mortgage program and he told me they checked on it a long time ago and it is a ridiculous program. Most of these programs only want to give you 1/3 the value of your home. This is another thing a person should be aware if he or she is looking at something like this, is to check around before you leap into something that sounds to good to be true. In almost all cases its not for your benefit.

Fred is retired and once lived at Forest Hill in California. Anyway he was real nice and came over to our motor home to install an adjustable shelf in the kitchen to give Helen more room when she does dishes. Been going to do this for over a year now, but you know how that goes, there is always tomorrow. Turned out pretty good and gave us another 13 inches of drainboard space.

Did not do much of anything else today, just hung around the motor home and played with the pc and watched TV. Now I can see staying in a small motor home for a long period of time and can’t get outside because of rain, you could become bored pretty quickly. However, if you have a larger home I really don’t think this would be a problem.

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